Category Archives: CAHSEE Video

CAHSEE-GED Math Laws of Exponents 1 Evaluating Powers

Laws of Exponents 1 Part 1 Powers of Positive Integers Writing Multiplication


Below are worksheets that you may want to try. To print out the worksheet, first click on the “Problems” button then click on the “Print” button. Clicking on the “Problems” button will generate a set of twelve problems. Each worksheet comes with answers that you may cut out, work out the problems, then check your answers. Each time you click on the “Problems” button you get a different set of problems. Answers are at the bottom of each sheet.

Hojas de Trabajo

Abajo esta una hoja de trabajo que puedes imprimir si tienes una impresora enchufada a tu computadora. Primero presiona el boton que dice ‘problems’, luego presiona el boton que indica impresora. Cada vez que presionas el boton de problemas, te da un set the problemas distintos, cada set con sus respuestas al pie de la hoja. Haz el trabajo sin fijarte a las respuestas. Luego las revisas.

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CAHSEE-GED Math Laws of Exponents 1

Laws of Exponents 1 Part 1 Powers of Positive Integers Writing Multiplication

Laws of Exponents 1 Part 2 Exponential and Expanded Notations

Printable Worksheets

Converting to Exponential Notation

Worksheets for conversion to standard decimal notation

Below are worksheets that you may want to try. To print out the worksheet, first click on the “Problems” button then click on the “Print” button. Clicking on the “Problems” button will generate a set of twelve problems. Each worksheet comes with answers that you may cut out, work out the problems, then check your answers. Each time you click on the “Problems” button you get a different set of problems. Answers are at the bottom of each sheet.

Hojas de Trabajo

Abajo esta una hoja de trabajo que puedes imprimir si tienes una impresora enchufada a tu computadora. Primero presiona el boton que dice ‘problems’, luego presiona el boton que indica impresora. Cada vez que presionas el boton de problemas, te da un set the problemas distintos, cada set con sus respuestas al pie de la hoja. Haz el trabajo sin fijarte a las respuestas. Luego las revisas.

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Converting to Expanded Notation

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CAHSEE – GED Math (2008) Released Questions 1, 2, and 3 Bilingual

Because the CAHSEE (California High School Exit Exam) and the GED cover more or less the same areas, I will be focusing on the CAHSEE Released Questions which are available for download here.

Debido a que el CAHSEE (California High School Exit Exam) y el GED cubren mas o menos los mismos temas, quiero concentrarme el los problemas exemplares del CAHSEE que pueden bajar aqui.

Problem 1

Problen 2

Problen 3

CAHSEE-GED Conversion To Scientific Notation

Converting Decimal Notation to Scientific Notation – big numbers

Converting Decimal Notation to Scientific Notation – small numbers

Worksheets for converting standard decimal notation to scientific notation

Below are worksheets that you may want to try. To print out the worksheet, first click on the “Problems” button then click on the “Print” button. Clicking on the “Problems” button will generate a set of twelve problems. Each worksheet comes with answers that you may cut out, work out the problems, then check your answers. Each time you click on the “Problems” button you get a different set of problems. Answers are at the bottom of each sheet.

Hojas de Trabajo

Abajo esta una hoja de trabajo que puedes imprimir si tienes una impresora enchufada a tu computadora. Primero presiona el boton que dice ‘problems’, luego presiona el boton que indica impresora. Cada vez que presionas el boton de problemas, te da un set the problemas distintos, cada set con sus respuestas al pie de la hoja. Haz el trabajo sin fijarte a las respuestas. Luego las revisas.

[swfobj src=”” align=”center”]Worksheet Conversion to Scientific Notation[/swfobj]