About Math Para Mi

Free Animated and Interactive Tutorials on Beginning Algebra Intended for English Learners as well as anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the fundamentals of math.

Math Para Mi is a collection of free basic math tutorials designed to help folks who want to prepare for community college, take the GED, or the CAHSEE (California High School Exit Exam). the tutorials cover various topics in elementary algebra. Each topic consists of two parts. One part contains the instruction and discussion; the other contains exercises and practice. These tutorials were created in Flash, a software tool that supports multimedia and allows interactivity with the user. Please install or upgrade, if necessary, your Adobe Flash player plug-in that goes in your browser.
Math Para Mi consiste de tuoriales, gratis, en línea en ingles (por lo pronto) sobre temas en el Algebra Para Principiantes. Los tutoriales contienen voz que acompaña la lectura para asistir a los lectores que están estudiando ingles. Si estas estudiando ingles y matemáticas con la intención de seguir estudios en el colegio comunitario, estos tutoriales te pueden ayudar. Sigue el menu Tutorials and Practices. Me gustaría saber lo que opinas de este material. Puedes comentar abajo en cada pagina. Estos tutoriales fueron desarrollados con tecnología de Flash que permite interactividad  con el usuario (responde a la persona). Para usar los tutoriales necesitas actualizar o instalar el Flash Player que va en tu navegador. Sigue esta enlace Adobe Flash. 

 Future Bilingual Site

This site will eventually be bilingual with Mexican-border Spanish and Tex-Mex English, but for now it will be just English “machucado.” Yo Quiero Math and Math Para Mi has a number of contributors and collaborators ranging from individual students, who inspired the main author to other teachers, colleagues and friends. Since you are here already check out Tutorials and Practices as examples of the future material that you will find here. Your comments will be highly regarded. Note: This site is still under ongoing development. As more tutorials become available they will be posted.  Please, feel free to visit the tutorials that are now on display click the menu items, Tutorials and Practices. This page shows current materials. Also, feel free to comment on the presentation or content of the materials.